Android 3.2 Honeycomb Os Download For Pc

  1. Android 3.0 Honeycomb
  2. Honeycomb Operating System
  3. Android 3.2 Honeycomb Os Download For Pc Iso
  4. Download Honeycomb For Android Tablet
Android 3.2 Honeycomb Os Download For Pc

There’s a little open source project going on called Android-x86 that aims to get Android up and running on your laptop or desktop PC. The results so far? Almost fully functional builds of Android 3.2 Honeycomb booting on a various netbooks and laptops.

The process involves downloading the Android ISO then using UNetbootin to install the image to a USB stick or SD card. After that, you’ll have Honeycomb up and running on your PC. Most of the PC hardware like WiFi is working just fine and they’ve even managed to get the Android Market installed. Must of the luck users have been experiencing is with ASUS branded PC’s but there have been reports of others working with a few glitches.

Jul 27, 2011  Lets have a look at a guide on what you’re going to be dealing with in Android 3.2 Honeycomb, shall we? A way to download apps on your PC and save them to the card outside the tablet, you. Sep 02, 2011  Using Virtualbox, I installed Android 3.2 for x86 on a Linux Mint computer in few minutes. Download VirtualBox here:

Android 3.0 Honeycomb

I would imagine Ice Cream Sandwich development will pick up steam now that the source for Android 4.0 has been released. If you want to give Honeycomb a spin on your PC, hit up the source link for downloads and further instructions. I’ve included the video below of one user who got Android 3.2 booted up on his Eee PC netbook. Cool stuff.



The Android Honeycomb 3.2.1 update for the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is out. While there is nothing visually different from the earlier version of Honeycomb, it still updates your device to the latest version of the OS, and includes minor tweaks and enhancements under the hood, which improves your overall experience with the device. It also tells us that the Samsung team is working hard on bringing updates to devices, despite the imminent Ice Cream Sandwich or Android 4.0 upgrade which is just around the corner.he firmware is specifically for the GT-P7510 model, or the Wi-Fi only version. So before you go ahead and download this formware, be sure to check your device model under Settings—> About Tablet, and confirm if you have a compatible device


The methods and procedures discussed here are considered risky and you should not attempt anything if you don’t know completely what it is. We are not responsible for any damage that may be caused to your device or its owner. Pls proceed at your own risk.

Honeycomb Operating System

Pre-Installation thoughts:

• Backup your Apps and important data — bookmarks, contacts, SMS, APNs (internet settings), etc. This Android backup guide would help you.
• If you have Samsung’s PC software Kies installed, un-install it first because it may interrupt the flashing process. If you’ve installed it for sake of drivers which otherwise weren’t working, make sure you exit the Kies completely before beginning the procedure below.
• Drivers! — it’s important you have the proper drivers installed. You can download them from HERE

Android 3.2 Honeycomb Os Download For Pc Iso

Installation Guide

  1. Make sure you have the drivers installed from the links I have provided above
  2. Download the P7510UEKMP firmware
  3. Extract it to get its content which would be a .tar
  4. Download Odin3 v1.85. Then, extract it to get these two required files – Odin3 v1.85.exe and Odin3.ini. Do NOT delete the .ini file since it’s required too. When asked in step 6 below, open Odin by double clicking on the Odin3 v1.85.exe file.
  5. Disconnect your tablet if it’s connected to PC. Power it off. Wait 5-6 seconds for vibration to confirm complete switch off.
  6. Now, put the Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in Download Mode (also called Odin mode) — press and hold, until Samsung Galaxy logo appears — these keys together: Volume_DOWN + Power.
  7. Wait till you a screen with options to boot into recovery or download (odin) mode.
  8. Press Volume Up key to boot into download mode.
  9. Open Odin (from step 3) — Odin3 v1.85.exe. Admin privileges would be required!
  10. Connect your Galaxy tab 10.1 tablet to PC now. You should get the message “Added! !” under the Odin’s message box in the bottom left. And you should also see COM port with a number in Yellow. If you don’t get this message, then probably there is a problem with drivers. Make sure you’ve the right drivers installed!
  11. Select these files in Odin at respective tabs.
    • Click the PDA Tab, and select the big .tar file “P7510XABKMP_P7510UEKMP_HOME.tar.md5”
  12. Important! Make sure these 2 check-boxes are selected: Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time. Also, leave the Re-Partition check-box clear (blank), as we are only using a .tar file or PDA file to flash. IF there is any confusion, let us know in comments below, we’ll be sure to help you out.
  13. Double check everything said in step 11 and 12 above.
  14. Now, hit the START button to begin the flashing process. When it finishes, your tablet will automatically reboot — and you can unplug the cable when Galaxy logo appears. Plus, you’ll get a PASS (with green background) message in the left-most box at the very top of the Odin. If it’s red and with FAIL written over it, the process flashing process wasn’t successful, Try again, and take care to complete the whole process without any break whatsoever.
  15. When the tablet has rebooted, check the settings to confirm Android 3.2 OS version.

Download Honeycomb For Android Tablet

That’s it. Enjoy the latest Honeycomb 3.2.1 update on your Galaxy Tab 10.1.
Let us know how it went in comments below